Tuesday, September 15, 2009


image is taken from: http://dianepernet.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c76e453ef0115721ce9ee970b-pi

Here i will leave some importent parts of my project description. These are the points from where i continue in the search for the theme for my project.

- A work on textiles in transition, and how they in different ways affect the form

One of the things that fascinates me about fashion design is the ability to manipulate the shape and dimension around the body, where textile (or other materials) plays the role as a base for manipulation.
In my project I will investigate the various methods to change the fabric's natural shape and characteristics, structure and surface, and find new solutions on how different materials and treatments can be combined. The textiles will be used as a base for change and manipulation with the aim of creating new impressions.

Extravagance, what is different and a bit strange compared to the usual norm, is what attracts me about the fashion industry, and by using an ekstravagnt expression, I wish to surprise, and at the same time to express my personal experiences and interests. Contrast, but also balance that is created between the extravagant and eccentric on one hand, and the pure and natural on the other, is the basis for my inspiration to create in this work.

I want to create a new significance in the relationship between objects, use and time. I will propose a new view of the duration of fashion, where I want to create a closer relationship between the user and the object, and in this way change the people's superficial relationship to objects. I will give the person carrying the garment an experience, and to achieve this it is essential to put emphasis on originality and quality.

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thoughts about clothing, inspiration and everydaylife